The approach DNA : true customer support

Several months ago, Definox decided to speak about the major concerns of its customers. Today, these words have taken form with a new section on the website, full of new content and the latest news. The General Director of the company, Magalie Chouin-Theriot gives more details to the “DNA Approach” and what motivates it.
What is the DEFINOX DNA approach ? Where did it come from ?
As an international reference, Definox has real competitive advantages that we wanted to work on in terms of sales arguments. We are players in our industrial sector, and we want to participate in improving it.
I therefore asked our Marketing and Communications Manager, as well as three of our sales staff, to use their hands on experience and think about the themes and subjects that are important to our customers.
The notion of DNA came up quickly. I found it to be pertinent, because DNA is something induced, that is in us, that is experienced. It is not communicated directly or over communicated. DNA is perceived or should be, without having to explain it or impose it. There is a subtilty in this exercise that I appreciate. Because we are really like that. We work every day to design and create products that are useful and qualitative.
It is necessary that the Definox brand speaks about subjects that interest our customers. That we express ourselves more and better. With precision and expertise to be more explicit and concrete. It is what we believe, it is what drives us fundamentally. We are manufacturers, engineers, technicians, experts, but we do our job with humility and professionalism. Today, with the “DNA Approach” we transmit our expertise to better support our customers.
“DNA is perceived or should be, without having to explain it or impose it. There is a subtilty in this exercise that I appreciate, because we are really like that.”
Magalie Chouin Theriot, THE GENERAL DIRECTOR OF definox
Why did you choose to commit to these four themes: safety, hygiene, expertise, and the environment?
Because these are the four subjects, identified by our teams, that our clients are concerned about. It is also in line with our historical positioning.
The idea of the environment which is one of the pillars of our DNA is an idea not very clearly expressed in our organization and our actions. It is the strongest movement where we need to advance. We do a lot of things daily, but we don’t talk about them. The potential for improvement is still great. The DNA approach is there for that. To speak about, advise and support our customers on this topic.
The three other subjects are already deeply anchored in our processes and global expertise, but maybe not explained sufficiently or qualified either.
Could you be more precise about the four concepts to speak out about?
Safety first. It’s the safety of use. It is a basic principle for us, it should be a basic principle for all manufacturers. It’s a subject that we devote a lot of energy to. It is the basis of our organization and our customer’s because no matter what else is done, without safety nothing works.
It is obvious but, in our sales arguments, it is clear that either we don’t speak about it or not enough about it. It is necessary to valorize the users, to preserve them, support them and raise their awareness on this subject. Maybe some forget, but our domain of intervention is tightly regulated because our products could be dangerous if we don’t intervene with the right tools and the right gestures and if the design is not thought out and done within the rules of the trade.
Next is hygiene, which concerns mainly food safety in the sanitary process. We are privileged to take part in all of the chain of individuals and equipment that allows us at the end to say, the product complies with and is compatible with health requirements. Our customers are concerned with safety issues but also very concerned with contamination problems. It is a daily challenge for us. We have strong arguments for the hygienic aspect, we are comfortable with this theme. Even if the expertise on this subject is constantly changing, it is normal and daily for us and our core activity.”
Let me continue with expertise, which remains fundamental for Definox. Our profession is the mechanics around industrial valves of course, but our expertise is evolving through the complementarity of other professions. This requires a truly open mind. We are there to support an activity and give a maximum of information to have the quickest, easiest access. We communicate information quickly in connection with other professions this gives a global service: automatism, digital, seals connection, etc… We need to be surrounded by experts for a global intervention.
Finally, the environment is not left out. For me the environment and safety, are the same thing in the long run. It is the safety of people. It is a theme we use as a starting point. Firstly, our product must be irreproachable, repairable, and therefore durable. We are working on perfecting our non-disposable policy. That being the case, there is a vast approach to managing our organization both internally and externally with our clients by technological responses. Our moto is “No planet B!”
What are the objectives of Definox though the different themes of the “DNA Approach”?
We don’t have spontaneously qualified objectives to be completely transparent. And I am not interested in having them. Maybe wrongly because when it counts you need to know how to count, but typically coming back to the environment, I don’t want to say “in 2022 we will have X% of a carbon footprint” or promise figures that we are not sure to keep.
I prefer to argue, explain, support, and say that we have done the maximum rather than make promises and not keep them. That doesn’t work like that. We take subjects one after the other, realistically. It has to be credible in the context of society. Maybe one day we can imagine objectives, but I admit that they don’t exist yet. Let’s talk about it in a few months.
Definox works every day to improve its products and services for manufactures. We will be back soon with new initiatives and new projects…