DPX DPAX Gen2 butterfly valve

The DPX/DPAX Gen2 butterfly valve is used in numerous process applications and auxiliary fluids. It benefits from a performant hygienic design, thanks to the geometry of its no retention zone components, combined with the newest generation seals.

  • ATEX
  • CE
  • CRN
  • FDA

The benefits

Low pressure drop

Excellent service life

Flow on line without retention

Good resistance against distortion stresses

Fast disassembly and assembly

Great adaptability thanks to various operating devices

The product features

From DN 3/4” to DN 150

SMS, DIN or US versions

Easy integration on process lines

  • Liner or threaded parts
  • Mass clamp machined
  • Between flanges
  • Unions according to norm DIN 11851 or aseptic DIN 11864

Simple regulation function

  • From 4/20 mA positioner.

Use on numerous applications

  • EPDM
  • FKM
  • HNBR.

IO-Link version

  • Simple adaptation on handle of MVQ IO-Link sensor
  • Autodiagnostic.

1 single handle for multiple uses, DPX Gen2

  • 5 intermediate opening positions
  • Stainless steel handle
  • M12 detection
  • IO-Link detection
  • Customized sleeve (6 colors available).

Dismountable and interchangeable Gen2 actuator

  • Constant torque, with no drop in performance over time
  • Cam stem extended at rest
  • Easily transformed into Normally Open NO, Normally Closed NC or Double Acting DA.

CAD 3D 2D ePortal

Go to our symbols Library 2D or 3D, available in all CAD formats 2D, 3D, native or neutral. Select and download the symbols from our online configurator.

Application domains

Cleaning products | Pet/Animal Food | Pharmaceutics | Cosmetics | Babyfood | Food industry

Cleaning products

We propose various ranges of products that adapt to local cultures and to chemical and hygienic constraints. It is the guarantee of a high level of reliability, an essential challenge in the sector and a decisive argument for consumers.

Pet/Animal Food

Because the wellbeing of their pets is the center of interest to their owners, the quality of our products must be at the center of our thinking. Supporting our customers in pet food production allows them to comply with the demands of the market


The Pharmaceutical market requires a strict control of the production line, at the same time being efficient and secure. In this extremely demanding sector, rigor is required, thus, the absence of retention zones of our products in the processes.


In a costly market in terms of production and consumption, it is fundamental to avoid wasting resources. Notably, thanks to our pigging solutions and our long lasting leakproof products, we supply you with the tools needed to reach optimum productivity.


Thanks to the hermetic properties, complying with qualificative hygiene and security standards, of our range of aseptic valves, your production line will be assuredly performant. Because our babies and toddlers deserve quality products.

Food industry

Our different range of products are designed to cover a vast array of food processes. Our valves are designed to last for today and tomorrow; with the aim of healthy food and quality for everyone.


Definox offers a range of services to support and advise you; spare parts management, valve retrofitting, personalized follow up program for valves and intervention schedules, valve maintenance training or even testing on our test bench. As many services to fit your needs.

Our experts are
with you anywhere in the world

Customized solutions

DEFINOX accompanies you in managing hygienic process issues through our products guaranteeing your satisfaction and the respect to your process,

DEFINOX Service Training Certification Datadock

Find the product details on e-shop
